
10 Dangerous snakes in the world 10 Dangerous snakes in the world

10 Dangerous snakes in the world

 BY:  FactsAnd Fun [  Updated on:Feb-2-2020]    
   Reading Time: About 8 minutes

According to wiki, all modern snakes are grouped within the suborder Serpentes. The two infraorders of Serpentes are: Alethinophidia and Scolecophidia. After the advent of Coronavirus, people got scared of China and their eating habits. Known fact is that Chinese favourite dishes include a wide range of animals including wild animals too. From Python to Bat, their food habits and dishes includes many animals. 

But for now, people on the internet, started searching for venomous and non venomous snakes and how they could produce lots of viruses. What type of snakes are dangerous and snakes are not dangerous? This question might come into your mind when you go for a jungle visit. 

Let's see what are the dangerous snakes in the world and how to recognize them.

10. Saw Scaled Viper

Scientifically called as Echis which is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. The saw-scaled viper might be small, but it's one of the deadliest reptiles in the world. These creatures are often found in dry regions of Africa. Echis is one of the causes for many deaths yearly, just because it is found in most populated areas.

9. King Cobra


The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), also known as the hamadryad, is a venomous snake species in the family Elapidae, whose bite could kill an elephant. It is the longest venomous snake in the world. The venom it releases contains neurotoxin, which could kill 20 people with a single bite. King cobras are the only species of snake to build nests for their young, which they guard ferociously. It is called “King” because it is the only species of snakes which can eat its own poisonous species, the poison of its species does not make any effect on its body.

Cobras live in hot tropical areas in Africa, Australia, and Southern Asia and their relatives, the Coral Snake, can be found in the United States. They can be found underground, in trees, and under rocks. The King Cobra is not only an excellent climber but a super swimmer as well. They live in forests near streams.

8.Inland taipan

Also known as western taipan, the small-scaled snake or the fierce snake, is a species of extremely venomous snake in the family Elapidae. The maximum yield recorded from a single bite of Inland Taipan is 110 mg and the venom is so toxic that just one bite is enough to kill at least 100 human adults or 250 thousand mice. Its toxin is more than 50 times as potent as an Indian cobra's!

7. Faint banded sea snake

Scientifically called Hydrophis belcheri. An extremely venomous species of elapid sea snake. In fact, just a couple milligrams of this reptile's venom can kill 1,000 humans. Fortunately, like most sea snakes, the Belcher's sea snake is relatively harmless and tends to avoid human contact. It is found primarily near the tropical reefs of the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Thailand, New Guinea, Indonesia, and the coastline of the Philippines.

6. Black Mamba

A member of the family Elapidae native to parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Black mamba is considered to be the most venomous snake. They are Africa's longest venomous snake, reaching up to 14 feet in length, although 8.2 feet is more than the average. They are also among the fastest snakes in the world, slithering at speeds of up to 12.5 miles per hour. Black mambas are fast, nervous, lethally venomous, and when threatened, highly aggressive. They have been blamed for numerous human deaths, and African myths exaggerate their capabilities to legendary proportions. For these reasons, the black mamba is widely considered the world's deadliest snake.

Black Mamba can be found in many parts of Africa. It is named as the fastest land snake in the world. It can spit up to 120mg of poison during a bite.

5.Tiger Snake

Tiger snakes are mostly found in southern regions of Australia. These snakes are highly variable in their colour. Often banded like those on a tiger, and forms in their regional occurrences. How dangerous is the Tiger snake? It is highly dangerous as said. Tiger snakes have highly potent venom and can cause severe envenomation (envenomation) of humans. They are a major cause of snakebites and occasional snakebite deaths in Australia at present. Envenomation (envenomation) can cause defibrination coagulopathy, renal (kidney) damage or renal failure (kidney failure).

4. Russell's Viper

Russell's viper is a species of venomous snake in the family Viperidae of venomous Old World vipers. It is found in Asia throughout the Indian subcontinent, much of Southeast Asia, southern China and Taiwan. It is a very dangerous snake. Large members of some species can easily deliver a lethal dose in humans. Victims will usually complain of pain at the bite site, and swelling may be evident. Substantial coagulopathy and acute renal failure may ensue.

3. Common krait

The Common Krait (Bungarus caeruleus) is a highly venomous snake species found in the Indian subcontinent. Kraits can be recognized by a body that is triangular in cross section, with distinctly large scales along the spine. The bands on the Krait are more prominent posteriorly while in the Wolf snake they are uniform throughout the body. Kraits are ophiophagus, preying primarily upon other snakes (including venomous varieties) and are cannibalistic, feeding on other kraits. ... All kraits are nocturnal. They are more docile during the daylight; at night, they become very active, but are not very aggressive even when provoked.

2. Python

 The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, are a family of nonvenomous snakes found in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Among its members are some of the largest snakes in the world. Eight genera and 31 species are currently recognized. The reticulated python is among the few snakes that prey on humans. Attacks on humans are not common, but this species has been responsible for several reported human fatalities, in both the wild and captivity.

1. Anaconda

Known to be the world's largest snake with 4 species related to the boa family. Scientifically known as Eunectes is a genus of boas found in tropical South America. They are a semiaquatic group of snakes and include one of the largest snakes in the world, E. murinus, the green anaconda. The name Eunectes is derived from the Greek word Eυν?κτης, which means "good swimmer". Anacondas kill by constricting (squeezing) the prey until it can no longer breathe. Sometimes they drown the prey. Anacondas are not usually dangerous snakes as they do not consider man as prey, but problems occur when people try to catch large specimens. Once cornered, an anaconda becomes a very tenacious adversary and they can strike fairly long distances.

Information and images collected from different sources. Do comment your opinion and let us know the most dangerous snakes list if any. Register and connect on webypost/factsandfun for more articles.

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