. Day that made me happy but still struggling to make that more happier
Mahesh A[Apr-27-2020]    

Day that made me happy but still struggling to make that more happier

Sun, Oct 18, 2015, 8:25 PM


Your AdSense account is now fully activated. Within a few hours you’ll begin to see live, relevant ads, and can start earning money from your online content. In the meantime, get started with a few payment setup steps so you’ll be ready to receive your first payment later.

Can't forget the day I got the AdSense account approval. 8 months after I joined techmahindra. Worked a lot on the content to get this approval. Would have worked more to get the adsense cheque. I'm gonna work more hard to get my first cheque.

Comments - 5

Ravi Teja Chillara 4 years ago

Start working on your SEO skills

Mahesh Sharma 4 years ago

Can't believe that it's been 5 years I got the Adsense account. But still struggling to get a single Adsense check.

SophiaBarzanji Sophia 4 years ago

I saw your profile i just having some feeling on you that is why i want you to contact me with this my email address so that i will give you my pictures for you to know who i am this is my email (sophiabar302@gmail.com), thank you Sophia .

SophiaBarzanji Sophia 4 years ago

I saw your profile i just having some feeling on you that is why i want you to contact me with this my email address so that i will give you my pictures for you to know who i am this is my email (sophiabar302@gmail.com), thank you Sophia .

Data Science 4 years ago

Your dream will definitely come true