
How To Share Your Moments and Pictures on WebyPost How To Share Your Moments and Pictures on WebyPost

How To Share Your Moments and Pictures on WebyPost

  WebyPost Official[Updated on:Jan-4-2018]      |  Reading Time: About 2 minutes

Webypost is the one stop site to share your moments and daily journal. It is very easy to add your post and share your status as a picture in your feed. All the posted status will be visible on the Home feed, which can be seen by the people within your connections.

Save Your Pictures with Status Updates

webypost picture sharing option

Click this icon at the top right corner of the site, then a new dialogue appears to post your status update.

The below dialog appears with the options Title and Moment. Add a simple title and your moment for the day. Click on the camera icon to load your favorite picture to share. Once you are done, then click on post. 


Just click on the share picture button and post it to share any picture of your moment. You could give a caption for every picture you share on webypost status.

Check your uploaded pics in Photos Tab on your profile page

Upload your videos using Share YouTube link tab.

Once after you give the correct YouTube link and write something about the video and just share it.

It is always preferable to give a title and explain about the video you are posting. Words describe more about the video you post. And also increases the chance to display in the trending and suggesting feeds.

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Comments 5.

Facts And Fun
5 years ago

Great options. Please include the visitor and shared posts on the profile sections. Which would be very helpful to the profile visitors.

Movie Time
5 years ago

Very useful website to post and share moments..

Weby Post Official
6 years ago

This should be it..

Weby Post Official
6 years ago

Always save your moments on webypost.

Weby Post Official
7 years ago

Now follow our Google Plus page http://plus.google.com/+webypost.com