. Karma Takes back that Revenge You just Relax
Daily Motivation[Sep-23-2019]    

Karma Takes back that Revenge You just Relax

When some one kicks on your heart or made you to think worst of your day. Don't worry. Just sit back and relax. Do your work and wait for the best moment. The one who hurts you will face those consequences incidentally as per their Karma. Karma takes care of your revenge , feelings and everything.

Comments - 3

gadgets tech 4 years ago

Well said Another causality characteristic, shared by Karmic theories, is that like deeds lead to like effects. Thus good karma produces good effect on the actor, while bad karma produces bad effect. This effect may be material, moral or emotional — that is, one's karma affects one's happiness and unhappiness

Mahesh Sharma 4 years ago

Well said. I actually looking for that day to come and bitch the person's attair

Coding Tips 4 years ago

Great words.. I always look for a motivation like this..