
Nick Vujicic Story Nick Vujicic Story

Nick Vujicic Story

 BY:  MaheshSharma [  Updated on:Jan-11-2018]    
   Reading Time: About 4 minutes

The man is very funny. He gets a lot of trouble and struggles. What problems do you have? Need an example!But once you know about Nick Vujicic, it's OK!

Nick was born in Melbourne in Melbourne in 1982. But with the birth he chased him with bad luck. tetra-amelia syndrome was born without a hand injury. The legs are too small! Nick started seeing him and drank out of the fear of him. The mother who heard about her child was not brave enough to see him for four months. But no matter how much! All of this took him to his feast. We tried to increase any further.

Parents are so upset that Nick is no error. But the outsiders do not! Constant mates were constantly ridiculed, and all those who walked were looking strangely. Nick is trying to commit suicide by drowning in the water at the age of ten. Fortunately, that effort failed.

Nick's life is probably going to be so bad! But, unfortunately, one day he read in the paper about the achievements of a person who does not know him. That's it! He put his frustration on the sidelines. Competitive with his fellow students, he had a degree in academics. He has become habituated himself to do every work. If you can settle in your life without the hands and feet ... what else can not be accomplished? He was transformed into a personality development expert.

Nick has been trying to fill up more than 50 million people in the millions. In such a case, a beautiful blonde who came to listen to Nick lecture. They were married in 2012. Now you have two kids. He is not just a lecturer ... He has written books like Life Without Limits with his life. That single book has been translated into more than 30 languages. If they are harder than anyone, they lose confidence in God. But Nick can not do that! He believes in God.

Do not assume that he does not have any hands or feet. Playing football, golf; Going into the depths of the sea and performing on the surfing. Nick is saying, 'It's a great lie that we think we can work on.' "If you focus on what you can not do in life, it's not worth it. The idea of ​​what can be done can be achieved too much, 'his principle is. 'Anything will happen on your day of love. The victory will win if you get up every time you fall, 'That's his belief! That belief leads him forward. Millions are filling new hopes.

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Mahesh Sharma
7 years ago

Very inspiring story it is..